
Motorized recreationalists have the ability to cover significantly more terrain than other backcountry travelers. As a result, snowmachiners and snow-bikers have the potential to expose themselves to much more avalanche terrain. Good routes and travel habits can reduce the risk of getting caught in a slide. Below is an extensive series of resources for the snowmachine community. Know Before You Go.
  • GET the FORECAST: Make a riding plan based on the current avalanche and weather forecast.
  • GET the GEAR: Ensure everyone has an avalanche transceiver, shovel, and probe on their person and knows how how to use them.
  • GET the TRAINING: Take an avalanche class
  • GET the PICTURE: If you see recent avalanche activity, unstable snow exists. Riding on or underneath steep slopes is dangerous.

Throttle Decisions Chapter 1: Gear

Throttle Decisions Chapter 2: Forecast

Throttle Decisions Chapter 3: Travel

Throttle Decisions Chapter 4: Weather

Throttle Decisions Chapter 5: Snowpack

Throttle Decisions Chapter 6: Terrain

Throttle Decisions Chapter 7: Hazard

Throttle Decisions Chapter 8: Youth

AIARE How To Practice Avalanche Rescue: Snowmachine Edition

UAC Farmington Lake Avalanche 18 year old Snowmachine Fatality

Mike Buck’s AK Sled Shed Alaska Snowmachine Glacier Travel