Winter Backcountry Traveler Survey

Winter Backcountry User Survey

In the field of avalanche safety and research, analyzing decision making often boil down to data collection. For human aspects to backcountry travel in the mountains surveys are an easy way for researchers to obtain information.


An important Alaskan research project called the Winter Backcountry Traveler Survey is requesting backcountry users to fill out a brief survey. This has been provided by Forest Wagner at University of Alaska Southeast, click here for the survey link.


Survey participants should be skiers, splitboarders, or snowmachiners. Participants must be 18 years or older. The research project consists of a 5-minute survey designed to measure backcountry behaviors, avalanche training and education.


The project flyer with survey link can be viewed here Winter BC Traveler Survey.


*Image courtesy of the Haines Avalanche Center

Posted in AAIC News & Announcements.

Jeff Moskowitz